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Medium Ceramic

Medium Ceramic Cow parade

Medium Ceramic is one type of material that cow parades are made from. Cow Parade is a visual art project that is displayed in many cities throughout the world The idea is for local artist to paint and decorate a number of life-size statues of Cows Then located them throughout the city.After several months the happy cows are sold And proceeds are given to charity.Smaller versions of this cows are on sale at our shop

Cow Parade in general is the largest and most successful public art event in the world. its events have been staged in  80+ worldwide since 1999 including Chicago (1999), New York City (2000), London (2002), Tokyo (2003), and Brussels (2003). Dublin (2003), Prague (2004), and Stockholm (2004), Mexico City (2005), Sao Paulo (2005), Buenos Aires (2006), Boston (2006) Paris (2006), Milan (2007, Istanbul (2007), Taipei (2009), Rio (2011), North Carolina (2013), Hong Kong (2013) and more…

So if you are interested in Buying from our distinguished cow figurines at Amsterdam shop Cow Museum here is your place!